[Preprints of all these papers can be found here.]
- Recoverable strain from reverse plasticity,
H. A. Lockwood and S. M. Fielding,
submitted for publication [preprint] - Ultra-delayed material failure via shear banding after straining an amorphous material,
H. A. Lockwood, E. S. Carrington and S. M. Fielding,
submitted for publication [preprint] - Shear banding as a cause of non-monotonic stress relaxation after flow cessation,
V. K. Ward and S. M. Fielding,
accepted for publication Physical Review Materials [preprint] - Non-monotonic constitutive curves and shear banding in dry and wet granular flows,
C. Ness and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 134 (2025) 038201. [preprint] - Simple and effective mechanical cloaking,
S. M. Fielding,
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 192 (2024) 105824. [preprint] - Ductile-to-brittle transition and yielding in soft amorphous materials: perspectives
and open questions,
T. Divoux et al.,
Soft Matter 20 (2024) 6868-6888 [preprint] - Reduced stress propagation leads to increased mechanical failure resistance in auxetic materials,
S. M. Fielding,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (2024) (21) e2312899121. [preprint] - Slow fatigue and highly delayed yielding via shear banding in
oscillatory shear,
J. O. Cochran, G. L. Callaghan, Miles J. G. Caven and S. M. Fielding,
highlighted as Editors’ Suggestion
Physical Review Letters 132 (2024) 168202. [preprint] - Power law creep and delayed failure of gels and fibrous materials under stress,
H. A. Lockwood, M. Agar and S. M. Fielding,
Soft Matter 20 (2024) 2474 – 2479. [preprint] - Discontinuous shear thickening in biological tissue rheology,
M. J. Hertaeg, S. M. Fielding and D. Bi,
Physical Review X 14 (2024) 011017. [preprint] - Constitutive model for the rheology of biological tissue,
S. M. Fielding, J. O. Cochran, J. Huang, D. Bi, M. C. Marchetti,
Physical Review E (Letter) 108 (2023) L042602. [preprint] - A model of friction with plastic contact nudging: Amontons-Coulombs laws, aging of static friction, and non-monotonic Stribeck curves with non-zero quasistatic limit,
S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 130 (2023) 178203. [preprint] - Yielding, shear banding and brittle failure of amorphous materials,
J. Pollard and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Research 4 (2022) 043037. [preprint] -
Perspectives on viscoelastic flow instabilities and elastic turbulence,
S. S. Datta et al.
Physical Review Fluids 7 (2022) 080701. [preprint] - Power fluctuations in sheared amorphous materials: A minimal model,
T. Ekeh, E. Fodor, S. M. Fielding and M. E. Cates,
Physical Review E (Letter) 105 (2022) L052601. [preprint] -
Shear-driven solidification and nonlinear elasticity in epithelial tissues,
J. Huang, J. O. Cochran, S. M. Fielding, M. C. Marchetti and D. Bi,
Physical Review Letters 128 (2022) 178001. [preprint]
Highlighted as Editors’ Suggestion. - Wall slip and bulk yielding in soft particle suspensions,
G. Jung and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Rheology 65 (2021) 199. [preprint] - Aging in a mean field elastoplastic model of amorphous solids,
J. Parley, S. M. Fielding and P. Sollich,
Physics of Fluids 32 (2020) 127104. [preprint] - Ductile and brittle yielding in thermal and athermal amorphous materials,
H. J. Barlow, J. O. Cochran and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 125 (2020) 168003. [preprint] - Interplay of edge fracture and shear banding in complex fluids,
E. J. Hemingway and S. M Fielding,
Journal of Rheology 64 (2020) 1147. [preprint] - Elastoviscoplastic rheology and ageing in a simplified soft glassy constitutive model,
S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Rheology 64 (2020) 723. [preprint] - Slow coarsening in jammed athermal soft particle suspensions,
R. N. Chacko, P. Sollich and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 123 (2019) 108001. [preprint]
Highlighted as Editors’ Suggestion and in Phys. Rev. Lett. issue cover image. - Linear instability of shear thinning pressure driven channel flow,
H. J. Barlow, E. J. Hemingway, A. Clarke and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 270 (2019) 66. [preprint] - Edge fracture of entangled polymeric fluids: onset criterion and possible mitigation strategy,
E. J. Hemingway and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Rheology 63 (2019) 735 [preprint]
Highlighted in American Institute of Physics “Scilight” article: “Gaining the edge on interfacial instabilities” by C. Patrick. - Dynamic vorticity banding in discontinuously shear thickening suspensions,
R. N. Chacko, R. Mari, M. E. Cates and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 121 (2018) 108003. [preprint] - Shear reversal in dense suspensions: the challenge to fabric evolution models from simulation data,
R. N. Chacko, R. Mari, S. M. Fielding, M. E. Cates,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 847 (2018) 700. [preprint] - Edge-induced shear banding in entangled polymeric fluids,
E. J. Hemingway and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 120 (2018) 138002. [preprint]
Highlighted as Editors’ Suggestion. - Shear banding in large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOStrain and LAOStress) of soft glassy materials,
R. Radhakrishnan and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Rheology 62 (2018) 559. [preprint] - Thickening of viscoelastic flow in a model porous medium,
E. J. Hemingway, A. Clarke, J. R. A. Pearson and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 251 (2018) 56. [preprint] - Necking after extensional filament stretching of complex fluids and soft solids,
D. M. Hoyle and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 247 (2017) 132. [preprint] - Edge fracture in complex fluids,
E. J. Hemingway, H. Kusumaatmaja and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 119 (2017) 028006. [preprint] - Understanding rheological hysteresis in soft glassy materials,
R. Radhakrishnan, T. Divoux, S. Manneville and S. M. Fielding,
Soft Matter 13 (2017) 1834. [preprint] - Shear banding of soft glassy materials in large amplitude oscillatory shear,
R. Radhakrishnan and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 117 (2016) 188001. [preprint] - Criteria for extensional necking instability in complex fluids and soft solids: imposed tensile stress and force protocols,
D. M. Hoyle and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Rheology 60 (2016) 1377. [preprint] - Criteria for extensional necking instability in complex fluids and soft solids: imposed Hencky strain rate protocol,
D. M. Hoyle and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Rheology 60 (2016) 1347. [preprint] - Correlation lengths in hydrodynamic models of active nematics,
E. J. Hemingway, P. Mishra, M. C. Marchetti and S. M. Fielding,
Soft Matter 12 (2016) 7943. [preprint] - Triggers and signatures of shear banding in steady and time-dependent flows,
S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Rheology 60 (2016) 821. [preprint] - Shear banding in large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOStrain and LAOStress) of polymers and wormlike micelles,
K. A. Carter, J. M. Girkin and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Rheology 60 (2016) 883. [preprint] - Viscoelastic and elastomeric active matter: Linear instability and nonlinear dynamics,
E. J. Hemingway, M. E. Cates and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review E 93 (2016) 032702. [preprint] - Moving contact line dynamics: from diffuse to sharp interfaces,
H. Kusumaatmaja, E. J. Hemingway and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 788 (2016) 209 . [preprint] - Clustering and phase behaviour of attractive active particles with hydrodynamics,
R. Matas Navarro and S. M. Fielding,
Soft Matter 11 (2015) 7525. [preprint] - Age dependent modes of extensional necking instability in soft glassy materials,
D. M. Hoyle and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 114 (2015) 158301. [preprint] - Active viscoelastic matter: from bacterial drag reduction to turbulent solids,
E. J. Hemingway, A. Maitra, S. Banerjee, M. C. Marchetti, S. Ramaswamy, S. M. Fielding, M. E. Cates,
Physical Review Letters 114 (2015) 098302. [preprint] - Shear banding in soft glassy materials,
S. M. Fielding,
Reports on Progress in Physics 77 (2014) 102601. [preprint] - Hydrodynamic suppression of phase separation in active suspensions,
R. Matas-Navarro, T. B. Liverpool, R. Golestanian and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review E 90 (2014) 032304. [preprint] - Shear banding in time-dependent flows of polymers and wormlike micelles,
R. L. Moorcroft and S. M. Fielding,
Journal of Rheology 58 (2014) 103. [preprint] - Criteria for shear banding in time-dependent flows of complex fluids,
R. L. Moorcroft and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 110 (2013) 086001. [preprint] - Modeling the relaxation of polymer glasses under shear and elongational loads,
S. M. Fielding, R. L. Moorcroft, R. G. Larson and M. E. Cates
Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (2013) 12A504 [preprint] - A simple model for the deformation-induced relaxation of polymer glasses,
S. M. Fielding, R. G. Larson and M. E. Cates,
Physical Review Letters 108 (2012) 048301. [preprint] - Criterion for extensional necking instability in polymeric fluids,
S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 107 (2011) 258301. [preprint] - Transient shear banding in entangled polymers: a study using the Rolie-Poly model,
J. M. Adams, S. M. Fielding and P. D. Olmsted,
Journal of Rheology 55 (2011) 1007-1032 . [preprint] - Nonlinear dynamics and rheology of active fluids: simulations in two dimensions,
S. M. Fielding, D. Marenduzzo and M. E. Cates,
Physical Review E 83 (2011) 041910. [preprint] - Age-dependent transient shear banding in soft glasses,
R. L. Moorcroft, M. E. Cates and S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 106 (2011) 055502. [preprint] - Interfacially driven instability in the microchannel flow of a shear banding fluid,
P. Nghe, S. M. Fielding, P. Tabeling and A. Ajdari,
Physical Review Letters 104 (2010) 248303. [preprint] - Viscoelastic Taylor-Couette instability of shear banded flow,
S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review Letters 104 (2010) 198303. [preprint] - Shear banding and interfacial instability in planar Poiseuille flow,
S. M. Fielding and H. J. Wilson,
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 165 (2010) 196-202 . [preprint] - Shear banding, aging and noise dynamics in soft glassy materials,
S. M. Fielding, M. E. Cates and P. Sollich,
Soft Matter 5 (2009) 2378 – 2382. - The large amplitude oscillatory strain response of aqueous foam:
strain localization and full stress Fourier spectrum,
F. Rouyer, S. Cohen-Addad, R. Höhler, P. Sollich and S. M. Fielding,
European Physical Journal E 27 (2008) 309-321. - Shearing active gels close to the isotropic-nematic transition,
M. E. Cates, S. M. Fielding, D. Marenduzzo, E. Orlandini, J. M. Yeomans,
Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 068102. [preprint] - The need for inertia in nonequilibrium steady states of sheared binary fluids,
S. M. Fielding,
Physical Review E 77 (2008) 021504. [preprint] - The interplay of boundary conditions and flow geometries in shear banding:
hystersis, band configurations and surface transitions,
J. M. Adams, S. M. Fielding and P. D. Olmsted,
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 151 (2008) 101-118. [preprint] - Complex dynamics of shear banded flows,
S. M. Fielding,
Soft Matter 2 (2007) 1262 – 1279. - Vorticity structuring and velocity rolls triggered by gradient shear bands,
S. M. Fielding, Physical Review E 76 (2007) 016311. [preprint] - Rheology of giant micelles,
M. E. Cates and S. M. Fielding, Advances in Physics 55 (2006) 799-879. [preprint] - Linear instability of planar shear banded flow of both diffusive and non-diffusive Johnson-Segalman fluids,
H. J. Wilson and S. M. Fielding, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 138 (2006) 181-196. [preprint] - Nonlinear dynamics of an interface between shear bands,
S. M. Fielding and P. D. Olmsted, Physical Review Letters 96 (2006) 104502. [preprint] - Linear instability of planar shear banded flow,
S. M. Fielding, Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 134501. [preprint] - Spatio-temporal oscillations and rheochaos in a simple model of shear banding,
S. M. Fielding and P. D. Olmsted, Physical Review Letters 92 (2004) 084502. [preprint] - Kinetics of the shear banding instability in startup flows,
S. M. Fielding and P. D. Olmsted, Physical Review E 68 (2003) 036313. [preprint] - Flow phase diagrams for concentration-coupled shear banding,
S. M. Fielding and P. D. Olmsted, European Physical Journal E 11 (2003) 65-83. [preprint] - Early stage kinetics in a unified model of shear-induced demixing and mechanical shear banding instabilities,
S. M. Fielding and P. D. Olmsted, Physical Review Letters 90 (2003) 224501. [preprint] - Equivalence of driven and aging fluctuation-dissipation relations in the trap model,
S. M. Fielding and P. Sollich, Physical Review E 67 (2003) 011101. [preprint] - Interrupted coarsening in a driven kinetically constrained Ising chain,
S. M. Fielding, Physical Review E 66 (2002) 016103. [preprint] - Fluctuation-dissipation relations & effective temperatures in simple non-mean field systems,
P. Sollich, S. M. Fielding and P. Mayer, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (2002) 1683-1696. [preprint] - Observable dependence of fluctuation-dissipation relations and effective temperatures,
S. M. Fielding and P. Sollich, Physical Review Letters 88 (2002) 050603. [preprint] - Ageing and rheology in soft materials,
S. M. Fielding, P. Sollich and M. E. Cates, Journal of Rheology 44 (2000) 323-369. [preprint]